Thursday, January 8, 2009

New yummy recipe from book club

I went to book club a few days ago and had some delicious chili. Here's the recipe. Hopefully I'll make it someday.

Also, work has been ok this week. I was happy when it seemed to me that I was on the right path or when I knew what I was doing and was working at a good rate. These were all based on affirmations from Reem (the boss). Upon receiving the affirmations, I smiled a giant smile which caused her to comment, "Finally I see you smile." Wow, this makes me feel like I send a constant message of dread at work which is definately NOT a message I want to send. Also, there were moments at work yesterday when I became anxious because a Matlab script was not working upon which I shot up a prayer for help and I instantly received inspiration. Perhaps this God thing really works.